Using named anchors for navigation

Anchors are named positions in a document. Use anchors to jump to a particular place in the current document or in a different document.

To create a named anchor:

1 Place the cursor where you want the anchor.
2 Choose Insert > Anchor, or click the Anchor button on the Objects palette.
3 Enter a name for the anchor in the Properties inspector.
If the anchor marker doesn't appear at the cursor location, choose View > Invisible Elements.

To link to an anchor in the current document or a in different document:

1 Select text or an image.
2 In the Property inspector, enter a pound sign (#) before the name of the link.
For example, to link to an anchor named "two" in the current file, type #two in the Link box in the Properties inspector. To link to an anchor named "two" in a different file in the same directory, type filename.html#two in the link box.